New eLearning Academy Website

Over Christmas I spent some time redesigning the eLearning Academy website as it was looking a bit dated. Even though I’m not planning on doing much with the learning academy this year, I thought it could do with a refresh. You can visit the website at the same address, although the old-style site has now been removed.

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H5P Mods for WordPress

In the past, I’ve used the H5P plugin for Moodle projects and I’ve never really liked it. This is due to various stylesheet constraints. Recently I’ve been experimenting with the WordPress H5P plugin, specifically modifying stylesheets using H5P Mods. In this blog post, I reflect on my experience and share the installation steps.

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Welcome to the World Wide Web

So after my post yesterday on the trials and tribulations of my moodle upgrade, it led onto a rant about the performance of my site.  After reflecting on the issues, I decided to spend a few hours researching web optimisation and logged a support ticket with my host. 

This post contains information on my history and experience of web development and a summary of my experience of web optimisation.

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