Becoming CMALT Certified

I’m happy to announce that I am CMALT certified. CMALT is a recognised accreditation delivered and assessed by the Association for Learning Technology. CMALT stands for Certified Membership of ALT and is aimed at Learning Technology professionals. In this blog post, I share my experience of becoming CMALT certified.

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Deep Learning through Transformative Pedagogy

I always find it difficult to get back into a study routine after a long break. In the past, I’ve taken short courses on LinkedIn and Udemy to keep up the pace and I thought I’d give EdX a shot this time. I’ve been obsessed recently with wanting to learn more about the brain and how we learn and I’ve been trying to find a course that links the two – it’s been difficult and I haven’t really been able to find what I’ve been looking for. I found a course on EdX which has been the closest free, MOOC-style course and thought I’d share my experience. 

Deep Learning through Transformative Pedagogy is a course offered at EdX by the University of Queensland, in partnership with Microsoft. It took me a few weeks to complete and can be found here.

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GA Workshop: Mobile Video: Produce Content Like a Pro

I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while! I attended my first General Assembly workshop on the 21st of January. After searching for a short course on quick-and-dirty video production, I came across this workshop and thought I’d give it a whirl. At £35 there wasn’t a lot to lose! I was really impressed with the instructor and the venue and really felt as though I learnt a lot. I came away with some valuable skills which I’ve been busy putting into practice!

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Brush up your Grammar

A friend recently asked me “Are you constantly learning?” to which my answer was, yes! I think it’s a bit of an addiction of mine, I just love learning new things. I love the sense of achievement you feel from completing a project, gaining a new qualification or passing an exam.

There are so many things on my list of things to learn and I get frustrated as I don’t always have enough time to learn everything I want to. The world is full of so many things to see, do and learn and I truly believe the possibilities are endless. Learning new things opens up so many new opportunities, it can change your way of thinking and change your life. I am so lucky to have been born in a time where information and learning materials are so readily available. 

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