On the 13th of February, I attended the Learning Technologies exhibition. I usually attend the exhibition every other year, and this year it was in a new location – the ExCel Centre in London.
Month: February 2019
Meetups: Articulate and Vyond
On the 12th of February, I attended 2 London meetups: Articulate user meetup: Speeding up your eLearning workflows and Vyond community meetup: Connect with our team. It was the first time I’d attended these meetups, I met some interesting people and learn some new things!
GA Workshop: Mobile Video: Produce Content Like a Pro
I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while! I attended my first General Assembly workshop on the 21st of January. After searching for a short course on quick-and-dirty video production, I came across this workshop and thought I’d give it a whirl. At £35 there wasn’t a lot to lose! I was really impressed with the instructor and the venue and really felt as though I learnt a lot. I came away with some valuable skills which I’ve been busy putting into practice!
Levels of Learning Interaction
Elearning courses are unique; some are filled with multimedia whilst others contain simple animations and a few pieces of text. Choosing the right strategy for an elearning course should be based on the learners needs, pedagogy and the learning outcomes.
For example, if I were creating a piece of elearning where the objective was “After this course, the learner should be able to Install Windows 10” then the best method for this would be step-by-step guides, simulation or a video tutorial.
However, sometimes it’s not always possible to create the right training if you are constrained by time, money and resources. There can also be security or licensing constraints. In this post, I will be talking about levels of learning interaction, when they work and when they don’t work.
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